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Using Nursery Rhymes for Teaching Young Learners

Content Introduction 2 2 Preschool education 9 A few words about the school theater 9 The creative work of students should read the works of 9 Analysis of the artwork in the classroom reading 13 Questions on the implications proshve.kik " 13 3 Developing language for life 14 4. Language acquisition 20 5 Closer look at the Kazakh school system 25 6 Mother goose in the Kazakh classroom 30 7 Lesson activities 35 8 Daily routine activities 43 9 Mother goose rhymes 51 10 Games for the EFL classroom activity village card games 56 Conclusion 59

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 59 стр
  • Цена: 4000 тг
  • Год: 2012
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